Veroia – Vergina

Enjoy your trip to the beautiful town of Veroia at Northwestern Greece, one of Paul’s beloved towns where he preached to the people for many days. Visit the church of Apostle Paul and the made of marble ''Vima of Apostle Paul''. Then, visit the Ancient town of Vergina and the tomb of the king of Macedonia and father of Alexander the great, King Philip II!

Veroia - Vergina 2.500 Of History

Veroia - Vergina 2.500 Of History

Veria was the second most significant town, after Aigai, during the blooming ancient Macedonian years. The city is built on the foothills of Mt. Vermion and crossed by the River Tripotamo. From the 11th to the 14th century it was the third most important city of the Byzantine Empire, after Constantinople (Istanbul) and Thessaloniki. The impressively large number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches gave the city the nickname “Little Jerusalem”. Today, 48 Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches are preserved in the city centre.

Veroia - The footsteps of Apostle Paul

Veroia - The footsteps of Apostle Paul

The Archaeological Museum houses findings from Veria’s archaeological sites dating back to the Late Stone Age up to the Hellenistic Period. The findings originating from the excavations of Nea Nikomedia, which were identified as the oldest settlement in Europe (Neolithic Age) are of special interest.

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