Veroia - The footsteps of Apostle Paul

The Archaeological Museum houses findings from Veria’s archaeological sites dating back to the Late Stone Age up to the Hellenistic Period. The findings originating from the excavations of Nea Nikomedia, which were identified as the oldest settlement in Europe (Neolithic Age) are of special interest.

The Byzantine Museum is housed in a majestic industrial building dating back to 1911. Each floor has a separate exhibition theme of the permanent collections of the museum. Get acquainted with the most representative samples of the city’s glorious past (wall paintings from churches and mansions, mosaics, sculptures etc), as well as how Veria was considered the regional Metropolis of the Byzantine Empire in the heart of Macedonia.

Other remarkable museums are the Polycentric Museum of Aigai, the Vlachogianneio Museum (also known as Macedonian Struggle Museum), the Folklore Museum of Vlachs and the Museum of Education “Christos Tsolakis”. Make sure to go by the Public Library, which has won several international awards.

Also Worth A Visit Are

  • The Tribune of St. Paul, who visited Veria twice (50-51AD and 57AD). It is located near the Raktivan public square and is decorated with mosaic art.
  • The Old Court of Justice and the impressive Tower of princess Vergina, the second saved section of ruins of the tower, located near Orologiou square.
  • The Ancient Roman Road - Via Egnatia, which demonstrates Veria’s past administrative, spiritual and financial power.
  • The Ottoman period monuments such as the Twin Baths, the Karachmet Bridge, the Medresse Mosque, Chounkiar Mosque and the Orta Mosque.
  • The Old Cathedral, built between 1070-1080; one of the greatest temples of the middle Byzantine period, which houses wall paintings that date back to the 12th, 13th and 14th century.


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