Messene - The wild beauty of Messinian Mani, Excursions in Nature & Savour Messinia’s Dishes

Encounter a wild charm exuded by the easternmost border of Messinian Mani by Lakoniki Mani, where the foot of Mt. Taygetos drops into the sea. Enjoy the rich nature, the olive groves, the lush vegetation; a perfect scenery to lay back and relax. Visit Byzantine, Frankish and Mani’s Castles, walk through the traditional settlements, on their cobblestone streets in ravines and canyons. Stoupa and Kardamyli are an ideal base for excursions.

Excursions in Nature

Mt. Taygetos, the natural borderline between Lakonia and Messinia, will make your excursions in nature memorable. Hikers and climbers, experienced or not, love the mountain as they are helped out by the signal posts clearly marking the trails. As for nature goes, a stop by Neda River. Neda is the only river in Greece that holds a womans name and is located between Messinia and Ileia. The scenery is so magical you’d believe nymphs still live here. Bring along your appropriate equipment, plan your hiking trip independently or with an association, climb up to the springs where you can enjoy the waterfalls and then head down the river’s flow, go through caves and ravines, dive in its fresh water and get an adrenaline rush!

Savour Messinia’s Dishes

The fertile land of Messinia is home to some gourmet people. Their dishes are delicious, cooked with natural products like the messinian olive oil and their renowned Kalamon table olives. The local flavours of Messinia will remain unforgotten; try pasto (cured pork), sausage with orange zest, kagianas ( a kind of scrambled eggs with tomato, also known as strapatsada), as well as their mouthwatering sweets like tsapeles (dried figs), pasteli (sesame bar) and diples (thin dough rolled into long, thin strips, fried and sprinkled with warm honey, crushed nuts and cinnamon). Do not leave without tasting the savoury pig roast (gournopoula in Greek), prepared with their special Messinian way.


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